🇮🇳 Economic Business Consultant 🇰🇷

Indian Members

Material Handling Equipments

Name of the Company: M&F Material Handling Engineers

Email: shoaib@mnfmhe.com

Medical equipment

Name of the Company: Surgical mall of India

Email: surgihub@gmail.com

Medical Diagnostic Kits and COVID testing kits

Name of the Company: Inbios India

Email: gaurav@inbiosindia.com

Medical Devices-Needles and cannula

Name of the Company: Swastik Enterprise

Email: info@swastikenterprise.com

Name of the Company: Russell International, Russell airflow systems

Email: sales@russellinternational.net

Hospitality Kitchen and laundry equipment

Name of the Company: Wang Hospitality

Email: north@wanghospitality.com
Email: south@wanghospitality.com

Name of the Company: Sanrad Medical Systems

Email: gayathri@sanrad.in

Name of the Company: Lifelong Meditech

Email: neerajkumar@lifelongindia.com

Medical equipments

Name of the Company: Triveni Medical System Private limited

Email: info@trivenimedical.com

Name of the Company: SBM Healthcare India Pvt Limited

Email: vikas.kaul@sbmhealthcare.com
Email: kulbir.singh@sbmhealthcare.com

Name of the Company: Blue Ocean Meditech

Email: arindam.gupta@bomt.in

Name of the Company: Aadit EHS Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Email: aadit@aaditehs.com

Copper products, PVC Wires Cables Submersible Winding Wire and Electrical Stamping.

Name of the Company: Vipul Copper

Email: gaurang@vipulcopper.com

Name of the Company: VSN Technologies

Email: nitinnaik@vsntechnologies.com

Name of the Company: Mectronics Marketing Services

Email: rahul@mectronics.com

Led Lighting

Name of the Company: Technolite

Email: ptgupta1991@gmail.com

Electronics-Instrumentation/Automation products/panels/systems.

Name of the Company: Pyramid Control systems

Email: pyramidcontrolsystems@yahoo.com

Electronics-Flow Management, Process Instrumentation & Automation

Name of the Company: Aaxis Nano Technologies Private Limited

Email: sg@aaxisnano.com

Hand dryers and washroom hygiene products /appliances

Name of the Company: Blue Circle India

Email: info@bluecircleindia.com

Name of the Company: IFI Technology

Email: care@ifihomes.com

Cosmetics and Personal Care

Name of the Company: ARA Exclusives fashion and more

Email: harpreet@araexclusives.com

Cosmetics-Essential Oil

Name of the Company: B O international

Email: gupta@bointernational.net

Women Personal care and Baby products

Name of the Company: Airan India - Brand name (Manvicare)

Email: airanindia@hotmail.com
Email: manvicare@hotmail.com

Korean Cosmetics

Name of the Company: Zosmetics

Email: vishesh@zosmetics.com

Name of the Company: Choice labs

Email: dilip@choicelab.com

Name of the Company: Streamline Beauty services India

Email: ankitarora@streamlineservicesindia.com

Name of the Company: TCC Paints

Email: nirgul2002@yahoo.com
Email: gulshan.kakkar@tcccpaints.com

Name of the Company: Carzmetics

Email: aiju.john@carzmetics.com
Email: sales@carzmetics.in

Name of the Company: Air Filter Industries Pvt Limited

Email: betterair@afiindia.com

Name of the Company: SBEM India

Email: nac@sbem.co.in

Name of the Company: SPINK CONTROLS

Email: No Available

level sensing, measurement, indication and control instruments

Name of the Company: Trumen

Email: sales@trumen.in

Name of the Company: Nevco Engineers

Email: adarsh.kapoor@nevcoengineers.com

Name of the Company: TCC Paints

Email: nirgul2002@yahoo.com
Email: gulshan.kakkar@tcccpaints.com

Plastic Household Products

Name of the Company: Vivasan Enterprise

Email: ivivasvan@gmail.com

Consumer goods-Home and Kitchen

Name of the Company: Whole Sale Dock

Email: wholesaledock@gmail.com

Name of the Company: Ramson and Seven Seas

Email: info@ramsonind.com
Email: dhawal@ramsonindia.com

Name of the Company: Maps Air

Email: ashish@maps- air.com

Food and Beverages

Name of the Company: Suresh Kumar and Impex

Email: info@skco.in

Food and beverages

Name of the Company: National Food and Beverages

Email: mail.nationalfood@gmail.com

Food and beverages

Name of the Company: Star Overseas

Email: staroverseas11@gmail.com
>Email: sales@staroverseas.net.in

Food & Nutraceutical Industries

Name of the Company: Ziran India

Email: rajiv@ziranindia.in

Name of the Company: Lotus Nutra Herbs

Email: pankaj@lotusnutraherbs.com

Auto Spare Parts

Name of the Company: Turbo Intertrade company

Email: turbointertradeco@gmail.com

Automobile spares/brake pads

Name of the Company: Nakasu Overseas

Email: gaurav.jain@outlook.com

Name of the Company: Sunflair Impex

Email: rj@sunflairimpex.com

Name of the Company: Kirthika International

Email: bdm@kirthika.in

Chemicals and Lubricants

Name of the Company: Addichem Speciality LLP

Email: info@addichem.co.in

Laboratory equipments

Name of the Company: Vasco Scientifics Pvt Ltd

Email: vinod.kumar@vmsciences.in

Name of the Company: Amrutum

Email: amrutumalkalinewaterhub@gmail.com

Alkaline water ionizers and Water purifiers

Name of the Company: Puronize Purfiers India ltd

Email: abhijeet@puronize.com

Food and Chocolates

Name of the Company: Dugar Overseas

Email: sanjay@dopl@gmail.com

Spot welding Products and electrodes

Name of the Company: Nasik Autoweld systems

Email: info@autoweldsystem.com

Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals Manufacturing, Paints, Packaging, Rubber and Polymers industries

Name of the Company: Nyne Organics

Email: shripal@nyneorganics.com

Name of the Company: Franglobal (Franchise India)

Email: venus@franchiseindia.net

Name of the Company: Kedia Chemicals

Email: info@kediachemical.com

Name of the Company: Surabhi Ceramics

Email: N/A

Name of the Company: Elegant E Door

Email: N/A

Name of the Company: Kemar Automation

Email: sales@kemarautomation.in

Name of the Company: Siyaram Impex

Email: info@siyaramimpex.com

Name of the Company: Precision Scientific Instruments Corporation

Email: inquiry@presco.in

Name of the Company: Meterene Limited

Email: nfo@metenere.com

Name of the Company: G.A. Me universal Trading and engineering

Email: accounts@meuniversal.com

Name of the Company: Konark Herbals And Health Care

Email: vrg@konarkgroup.com

Name of the Company: G.A. ENTERPRISES


Name of the Company: Swan Environmental pvt Ltd

Email: vijay@swanenviron.com

Name of the Company: MRK FOODS

Email: kenneth.lobo@mrkfoods.in

Name of the Company: Tape India

Email: tapeindia@yahoo.com


Email: hardtoolsagencies@yahoo.com

Name of the Company: Ekta Cosmetics Limited (ECL)

Email: info@ekta.in

Name of the Company: Bhavik Enterprises

Email: sales@berubber.com

Name of the Company: AroIndia Private Limited

Email: sales@aroindia.com

Name of the Company: SVPOLYPACKS

Email: info@svpolypacks.com

Name of the Company: Raman Instuments

Email: sales.mumbai@ramaninstruments.in

Name of the Company: Mazaf International

Email: mazafi@gmail.com

Name of the Company: Gravity Chemicals and Specialities

Email: gravitychem@gmail.com

Name of the Company: KIBC

Email: yklee@kibcgroup.com

Name of the Company: Ambica Medicare Engineering

Email: ambicamedicare@yahoo.co.in

Name of the Company: Solute Trading/Innovinc Solutions

Email: sunny@innovinc.net.in

Name of the Company: Crown Tapes

Email: info@crowntapes.com

Name of the Company: SuperEco Automotive Co. LLP

Email: superecoindia@gmail.com

Name of the Company: Seol Store

Email: talktous@seoulstore.in

Name of the Company: Pegasus Imports

Email: info@indiafnb.com

Name of the Company: Gupta Metal Industries

Email: saurabh@guptametals.in

Name of the Company: Stokvis Tapes

Email: sandeep.kulkarni@stokvistapes.in

Name of the Company: GM BIOCHEM

Email: gmbpl@gmbiochem.com

Name of the Company: Gospel Adhesive Tapes Private Limited

Email: gospel_tapes@yahoo.com

Name of the Company: Quarks Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

Email: exports1@quarksengineering.com

Name of the Company: Mahavir Pack Strap Limited

Email: mahapack@gmail.com

Name of the Company: Semcoindia

Email: semco@semcoindia.com

Name of the Company: Pioneer Impex

Email: pioneerimpex2014@gmail.com

Name of the Company: Calitech Biotechnologies

Email: sales@calitechbiotechnologies.com

Name of the Company: Loop Solar

Email: info@loopsolar.com

Name of the Company: Steeledge

Email: sales@steeledge.net

Name of the Company: BVM meditech

Email: vivek@bvmmkt.com


Email: selvelpune@hitechgroupindia.com

Name of the Company: NOVA GROUP

Email: novabond@rediffmail.com

Name of the Company: DA Healthcare

Email: sales@dahealthcare.com

Name of the Company: Devyog Impex Pvt Ltd

Email: info@devyog.in

Name of the Company: L V SOLAR ENERGY

Email: kishore@lvsolarsolutions.com


Email: sales@inventumpower.com

Name of the Company: NTF Group

Email: info@ntfindia.net

Name of the Company: Medi - On Life Care

Email: mohcsrrm@gmail.com

Name of the Company: Amplus Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Email: contact@amplussolar.com

Name of the Company: SUNCOV

Email: info@suncov.in

Name of the Company: Ritu Kitchenware

Email: ritu_kitchenware@yahoo.co.in

Name of the Company: Ruchita Greens

Email: atulgarg@ruchirapapers.com

Name of the Company: khushi Enterprises

Email: khushienterpriseshisar@gmail.com

Name of the Company: alkwa

Email: chordiagaurav@yahoo.co.in

Name of the Company: Lohani Enterprises

Email: lohanicar@gmail.com


Email: arun@uslpv.com


Email: uday.patil@udaystructurals.com

Name of the Company: Balbir Singh and sons

Email: sales@balbirsinghandsons.com

Name of the Company: Subhash Metal Industries

Email: admin@subhashmetalindustries.com

Name of the Company: Chattha Group

Email: sales@chatthagroup.com

Name of the Company: Medicare Remedies Private Ltd

Email: info@medicareremedies.com

Name of the Company: MITESHA ENTERPRISES

Email: response@miteshaentp.com

Name of the Company: Elektronika Sales Pvt Ltd

Email: info@elektronikasales.com

Name of the Company: WPG Electronics India Pvt Ltd

Email: sales.india@wpi-group.com

Name of the Company: Sun Rex Electronics

Email: sahilasiapacific@gmail.com

Name of the Company: Starvet Chem Pvt Ltd

Email: svchyd@yahoo.co.in

Name of the Company: Arihant Systems and Electricals Pvt Ltd

Email: enquiry@arihantelectricals.com

Name of the Company: Ritu Raj Tapes Pvt. Ltd.

Email: rtpl3069@gmail.com

Name of the Company: SNK Project Aiders Pvt Ltd

Email: snkprojects1@gmail.com

Name of the Company: Geecy Engineering Pvt. Ltd.

Email: gepl@geecy.com

Name of the Company: Genius textile international

Email: geniustextileintl@gmail.com

Name of the Company: Sun Micro Components Pvt. Ltd

Email: sales@sunmicrocomponents.com

Name of the Company: KEPRO

Email: mayank@kepro.in

Name of the Company: Kuber Impex

Email: kapil.garg@kuberimpex.com

Name of the Company: PRISIA IMPEX

Email: info@prisiaimpex.com

Name of the Company: Tack Innovations

Email: Bedi@tack.co.in

Name of the Company: Componix India

Email: www.componixindia.com

Name of the Company: Cirkit Electro Components Pvt Ltd

Email: www.cirkitelectro.com