❏ Business Matchmaking and Partner Search
- CEPA India is a single point of contact for Indian and Korean companies. Due to the cultural differences and language barriers at times business discussions become difficult or do not progress. We act as trusted partners to both parties and provide neutral advice and consultancy.
- We introduce Korean products, technologies, materials, machinery and equipment to Indian importers and manufacturers who wish to procure from Korea. We also support Korean companies to find the right partners (reseller, importer, agent, distributor, buyers and decision makers, and Government officials) in the Indian market quickly and timely.
- We also support Indian companies to establish/ expand their sourcing base in Korea. This can be done by helping them find relevant suppliers who are interested in doing business with Indian counterparts. Thus, Indian companies may have credible business track record and reputation in the overseas markets.
❏ Market research, import-export consultation and Guidance on India-Korea CEPA benefits
- We provide a brief analysis and industry information related to the Indian market (competition, standards, price level, barriers to entry, export procedures, incentives, etc.) for Korean companies' products and services. This will help them make informed decisions and find better opportunities.
- We help Indian buyers with various levels of negotiation, advise them on Korea's import procedures for products in various sectors, and understand various import tariff benefits and concessions under the India-Korea CEPA (Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement). India will phase out or cut tariffs on 90 percent of India's exports and 85 percent of Korea's exports.
❏ Organizing Seminars, Promotional and Buyer-supplier Meets
- Organising trade promotional activities in India and Korea.
- Arranging trade missions and delegations.
- Organising Conferences, Exhibitions, B2B, B2C, Seminars.
- Organising Buyer-Seller Meets and Business Matchmaking Project or Industry Visit.
- Organising Training Programs to educate on Market, Taxation and Business opportunities.